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dimanche 4 mars 2012
Newsletter # 5 / ενημερωτικό δελτίο # 5
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We received this message interesting and important ... Nous avons reçu ce message intéressant et important...
Για την υπεράσπιση της κοινωνίας και της δημοκρατίας
Appel à la défense de la société et de la démocratie en Grèce
Declaration for the Defense of Society and Democracy
Llamamiento en defensa de la sociedad y la democracia en Grecia
Appello in difesa della società e della democrazia in Grecia
Yunanistan’da toplumu ve demokrasiyi korumaya çağrı
Aufruf zur Verteidigung von Gesellschaft und Demokratie in Griechenland
Apelo pela defesa da sociedade e da democracia na Grécia
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Για την υπεράσπιση της κοινωνίας και της δημοκρατίας
Κείμενο υπογραφών
Η ελληνική κοινωνία δοκιμάζεται τόσο από την κρίση όσο και από τις αδιέξοδες συνταγές αντιμετώπισής της. Υποχωρούν θεσμοί που συγκροτήθηκαν μέσα από πολλούς αγώνες και θυσίες στη μεταπολεμική Ελλάδα: οι κοινωνικές ασφαλίσεις, το σύστημα δημόσιας υγείας και περίθαλψης, η εκπαίδευση, οι συγκοινωνίες, το φυσικό και αστικό περιβάλλον, η δυνατότητα ασφαλούς διαβίωσης, στοιχειώδη δημόσια αγαθά που συνιστούν την ελληνική εκδοχή ενός ήδη λειψού και απαξιωμένου κοινωνικού κράτους κατεδαφίζονται, με αποτέλεσμα η κοινωνία να οδηγείται στην ασφυξία.
Προβάλλεται εκβιαστικά το δίλημμα: λιτότητα ή χρεοκοπία; Ωστόσο, δεν πρόκειται για δίλημμα αλλά για αρνητικό άθροισμα: και λιτότητα και χρεοκοπία. Η ανά τρεις μήνες απειλή αποβολής της Ελλάδας από την ευρωζώνη είναι ηθικά ανοίκεια και οικονομικά καταστροφική, γιατί ενισχύει την βαριά ύφεση, μετατρέποντας την Ευρώπη σε κεντρικό παράγοντα αβεβαιότητας, οικονομικής αστάθειας και βαθέματος της κρίσης. Η ίδια η Ευρώπη διαμορφώνει τις συνθήκες ώστε η Ελλάδα να μην τηρεί τις δανειακές της υποχρεώσεις.
Κάθε μέρα γίνεται πιο φανερό ότι η συγκεκριμένη πολιτική αντιμετώπισης της κρίσης, που κορυφώνεται με το Μνημόνιο 2, δεν είναι μια πορεία διάσωσης και εξόδου ούτε άρσης των χρόνιων παθογενειών του ελληνικού πολιτικού και οικονομικού συστήματος, αλλά μια πορεία καταστροφική, βασισμένη στην κοινωνική αδικία. Την κρίση δεν την υφίστανται όσοι εκμεταλλεύτηκαν το κράτος και το δημόσιο συμφέρον επί δεκαετίες, αλλά οι πλέον ευάλωτες κοινωνικές ομάδες. Βρισκόμαστε μπροστά σε μια πρωτοφανή επιχείρηση αναδιανομής πλούτου και ισχύος, που υπονομεύει το ευρωπαϊκό κοινωνικό μοντέλο, δημιουργώντας ακραίες οικονομικές και κοινωνικές ανισότητες. Ταυτόχρονα, επανεμφανίζεται δυναμικά ο εθνικισμός ενώ εντείνονται ο ρατσισμός και η ξενοφοβία.
Η ψευδώνυμη χρήση της έννοιας της «μεταρρύθμισης» είναι ενδεικτική για την αδυναμία υπέρβασης της κρίσης. Και αυτοί ακόμη που ήλπιζαν ότι η κρίση θα αποτελούσε ευκαιρία εξυγίανσης και τολμηρής θεσμικής ανανέωσης αντιλαμβάνονται πλέον ότι οι επιβαλλόμενες «μεταρρυθμίσεις» διαλύουν την κοινωνία. Ο λόγος που κυριαρχούσε στο εσωτερικό και εντείνεται στο εξωτερικό είναι ηθικολογικός, τιμωρητικός και ενοχοποιητικός. Κάθε αντίρρηση και κριτική επισείει την κατηγορία του «λαϊκισμού», του «συντεχνιασμού» και του «αντιευρωπαϊσμού». Αφού πρώτα στιγματίστηκε η μεταπολίτευση και το πνεύμα δημοκρατίας που έφερε στον τόπο, παρακολουθήσαμε και τον εξαγνισμό της άκρας δεξιάς, με τη συμπερίληψή της στην κυβέρνηση. Παράλληλα, πυκνώνουν οι προτάσεις για κυβερνήσεις «αρίστων», για συνασπισμούς τεχνοκρατών που θα «σώσουν» τη χώρα. Πρόκειται για ισχυρές αντιδημοκρατικές και αυταρχικές τάσεις, που εκμεταλλεύονται, με λαϊκιστικό τρόπο, τα δικαιολογημένα αισθήματα αποτροπιασμού απέναντι στην παλιά τάξη πραγμάτων που καταρρέει. Ωστόσο, σε αντίθεση με έναν ρηχό «εθνικά υπερήφανο» λόγο εναντίον των δανειακών συμβάσεων, δεν νοσταλγούμε, βέβαια, αυτή την τάξη.
Ελλάδα και Ευρώπη βυθίζονται σε μια αλληλοτροφοδοτούμενη κρίση, που δείχνει όχι μόνο τις θεσμικές αδυναμίες της Ένωσης, αλλά και τη διαχείρισή της από τις συντηρητικές ηγεσίες με νεοφιλελεύθερες συνταγές. Όσο και αν μοιάζει δύσκολο, οφείλουμε να εργαστούμε για μια κοινωνική και δημοκρατική Ευρώπη, που θα προβάλλει τις ιστορικές και πολιτικές της αξίες, δίνοντας νέο περιεχόμενο στην παγκοσμιοποίηση — άλλωστε, η λύση δεν μπορεί να είναι εθνική, αλλά πρέπει να ανταποκρίνεται στις διαστάσεις της ηπείρου μας, και όχι μόνο. Σήμερα ταπεινώνουν τους Έλληνες, αύριο τους υπόλοιπους λαούς, σπέρνοντας δυσπιστία και μίσος ανάμεσά τους. Πρόκειται για μια καταστροφική στιγμή στην ευρωπαϊκή ιστορία. Έτσι, η αλληλεγγύη προς την Ελλάδα συνιστά πολιτικό διακύβευμα για όλη την προοδευτική Ευρώπη.
Απέναντι στον κυρίαρχο άκριτο και εντέλει ταξικό λόγο οφείλουμε να προτάξουμε την κριτική σκέψη, την καθημερινή εμπειρία και τις ανάγκες των πολιτών, ιδίως αυτών που πλήττονται άδικα από την κρίση. Όσοι και όσες υπογράφουμε το κείμενο, επιθυμούμε να συμβάλουμε στη διαμόρφωση ενός ισχυρού μετώπου υπεράσπισης της κοινωνίας και της δημοκρατίας. Μια μεγάλη συμπαράταξη, που θα φέρνει κοντά ανθρώπους από διαφορετικούς χώρους, με στόχο να αποκαταστήσει το νόημα των λέξεων, τη δημιουργική επικοινωνία ανάμεσα σε κοινωνικούς χώρους και πολίτες με διαφορετικές εντάξεις, που συμμερίζονται τις θεμελιώδεις αρχές της δικαιοσύνης, της αλληλεγγύης και της δημοκρατίας, τις συντεταγμένες δηλαδή της ιδιότητας του πολίτη σε ένα φιλελεύθερο και δημοκρατικό πολίτευμα.
Απορρίπτοντας τη λογική του «μονόδρομου», τα ανιστόρητα στερεότυπα που ενοχοποιούν την ελληνική κοινωνία καταρρακώνοντας τη συλλογική αξιοπρέπειά μας, επιδιώκουμε να αναδείξουμε, εντός κι εκτός Ελλάδας, τις συνέπειες της κρίσης. H ελληνική κρίση είναι μέρος μιας συνολικότερης κρίσης, η οποία αλλάζει θεμελιακά την ιστορική εποχή που ζούμε. Σ’ αυτήν τη μεταιχμιακή περίοδο είναι σημαντικό να συνειδητοποιήσουμε ότι διακυβεύονται τόσο η έννοια του κοινωνικού, όσο και η δημοκρατία και τα δικαιώματα του πολίτη.
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Appel à la défense de la société et de la démocratie en Grèce
Ce document nait suite à l’initiative d'un groupe de citoyens d’horizons différents décidés de lever, de façon structurée et collective, une voix critique et documentée, à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de la Grèce. Ils se sont également mis d'accord quant à la nécessité d'une intervention qui attirera l’attention de l'opinion publique grecque et européenne sur trois sujets d'importance majeure, dans un contexte où le dilemme capital "austérité ou faillite" a été remplacé par l'addition négative "austérité et faillite", à savoir :
- le démantèlement de l'état social et l'aggravation des inégalités sociales
- l'affaiblissement des institutions démocratiques et des droits du citoyen
- la crise de sens de la construction européenne et la désintégration de l'unité européenne
L'objectif de cette initiative n'est pas la préparation, pour l’énième fois, d’un document qui recueillera des signatures, même si elle a commencé comme ça. Cette initiative veut devenir un point de convergence de dynamiques multiples et faire passer le message que le "problème grec"' ne fait qu'avertir du danger que courent plusieurs valeurs européennes fondamentales au niveau social et politique. Par conséquent, cette initiative nous concerne toutes et tous.
Son objectif consiste à faire participer ses signataires, dans la mesure où ils/elles le souhaitent, à des actions sociales, en collaboration étroite avec des acteurs et des milieux, qui connaissent directement et mieux que quiconque ce qui se passe réellement en Grèce aujourd'hui, et qui veulent travailler pour une Europe sociale et démocratique. Pendant la crise, personne n'est seul. La participation est la réponse aux exclusions. L'action est la réponse au défaitisme et au pessimisme.
La société grecque est éprouvée aussi bien par la crise que par les solutions pour en sortir, vouées à l’échec. Des institutions créées à grand-peine et avec d'énormes sacrifices dans la Grèce d’après guerre sont en nette régression : parmi elles, les conventions collectives du travail, la sécurité sociale, la santé publique, l’éducation, les transports, l’environnement naturel et urbain, le droit de vivre en sécurité. Suite au manque de financement et à la réduction du nombre de fonctionnaires, l’Etat social s’effondre et les services publics se désintègrent. Selon les sources officielles d'Eurostat, en 2010 le risque de pauvreté a atteint 27,7% de la population. Un après l’autre, les ménages se déclarent en faillite. La société entière est vouée à l’asphyxie.
Un dilemme se profile, tel un chantage : austérité ou faillite? En fait, il ne s’agit pas d’un dilemme, mais d’une addition négative : austérité et faillite. Les politiques adoptées, au lieu de sauver le pays et de corriger les pathologies chroniques du système politico-économique grec, le plongent dans la récession et dans l’augmentation de la dette. Toutes les prévisions de l’U.E, du FMI et des gouvernements grecs ont été démenties avec fracas. Contrairement à la prévision initiale de -2,6%, le PIB a chuté de 6,8% en 2011! La menace, tous les trois mois, de l’exclusion de la Grèce de la zone euro a des répercussions économiques désastreuses, car elle renforce la dynamique de la récession et transforme ainsi l’Europe en facteur central d’instabilité économique et d’approfondissement de la crise. L’Europe crée elle même les conditions afin que la Grèce ne puisse pas respecter ses obligations concernant ses dettes.
Tous ceux qui espéraient que la crise serait une occasion d’assainissement et de renouvellement institutionnel se rendent compte aujourd’hui que les «réformes» démantèlent un état déjà inefficace tout en détruisant, dans le même temps, la société. Ceux qui subissent la crise ne sont pas ceux qui ont exploité, pendant des décennies entières, l’état et l'intérêt public, mais les salariés (qui ont toujours payé leurs impôts) et les couches sociales les plus vulnérables. Nous nous trouvons face à une tentative - sans précédent - de redistribution des richesses et du pouvoir, qui mine le modèle de la société européenne, en créant des inégalités économiques et sociales extrêmes. le discours qui prévaut - aussi bien en Grèce qu'en Europe - est moraliste, punitif et culpabilisant. Ceci renforce le nationalisme, le racisme et la xénophobie.
La Grèce et l’Europe plongent dans une crise inter-dépendante, qui souligne non seulement les lacunes institutionnelles de l’Union, mais aussi l’impasse des recettes néolibérales. Poursuivre une politique d'échec ne profite ni à la société grecque, ni à l’UE, ni aux contribuables européens. Elle profite uniquement au capitalisme financier et aux spéculateurs grecs et étrangers. Il est impossible de rembourser la dette (ou du moins sa plus grande partie) sans croissance. Combiner un nouvel endettement à une austérité rigoureuse équivaut à essayer de remplir un seau troué avec des pièces de monnaie. Cela mène en effet à un arrêt désordonné des paiements au détriment des classes populaire et moyenne grecques (n’oublions que les classes aisées ont déjà exporté leurs euros à l’étranger), ainsi que des contribuables européens (qui seront appelés à payer les frais de la déstabilisation du système bancaire européen). L’opération de sauvetage a tourné au fiasco et elle est en train de se transformer en crime.
Aujourd’hui la Grèce et l’Europe participent à un cycle économique vicieux. Pour en sortir il faut envisager un changement de politique. Même si cela paraît difficile, nous devons travailler en faveur d’une Europe sociale et démocratique, qui ravivera ses meilleurs valeurs historiques et politiques et donnera une nouvelle orientation à la globalisation. La solution ne peut pas être nationale. Aujourd’hui, les Grecs sont humiliés, demain d’autres peuples le seront également. La méfiance et la haine sont en train de détruire le chemin vers la formation d’une identité européenne commune. Il s’agit d’un moment désastreux pour l’histoire de l’Europe.
La crise grecque a des causes grecques importantes. Néanmoins elle fait partie d’une crise plus générale, qui est en train de transformer fondamentalement le moment historique que nous vivons. Moment limite pendant lequel il est important de se rendre compte que ce sont le sens de la justice sociale, la démocratie et les droits du citoyen qui sont en jeu.
Nous, citoyens grecs, vous appelons à joindre votre voix à la nôtre, en contribuant ainsi à la formation d’un puissant front de soutien de la société civile et de la démocratie en Grèce. Parce que la solidarité envers la Grèce est aujourd’hui un engagement de tous ceux qui croient que les valeurs qui sont en jeu en Grèce les concernent également.
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Call for the Defense of Society and Democracy in Greece
We are a group of citizens who have come together from a variety of political backgrounds with a common purpose: the pressing need to articulate a coherent and persuasive critical voice that will be heard loudly both inside and outside Greece. In the context of a contemporary moment in which the central dilemma “austerity or bankruptcy” has given way to the entirely nihilistic formula “austerity and bankruptcy”, our initiative aims to make a powerful intervention in Greek and European public opinion, highlighting three major issues:
1. The collapse of the welfare state and the intensification of social inequalities
2. The undermining of democratic institutions and civil rights
3. The waning of the European vision and the dismantling of European unity
The goal of this initiative is not just to produce another statement about the ‘crisis’ or to collect signatures for an online petition, even though it started that way. We plan to form a broad network to spread the message everywhere that the so-called ‘Greek problem’ merely presages the dangers at stake for fundamental European social and political values. Therefore the ‘Greek problem’ concerns us all.
Our hope is that all who choose to sign this petition will become involved, if they so desire, in social action, ideally in collaboration with other groups who know firsthand what is going on in Greece today and who are interested in working together for a social and democratic Europe. In a time of crisis, no one is alone. Participation is our response to exclusion. Action is our answer to defeatism and pessimism.
Greek society is suffering both from the crisis and from the responses to it, which have reached a dead end. Major social and political institutions that were created with enormous struggles and sacrifices in post-war Greece – collective bargaining agreements, social security, the public health system, public education, public transport, the natural and urban environment, the right to live a safe existence – are being destroyed. The welfare state is being dismantled and public services are disintegrating due to lack of funding and personnel cuts. According to Eurostat, almost one third of the population are at the risk of poverty and numbers are increasing rapidly. Essential public goods are no longer available. Households are going bankrupt one after the other. Society is being led to suffocation.
The people are being blackmailed: they face the dilemma of austerity or bankruptcy? Yet, this is hardly a dilemma – it is rather a negative aggregate: austerity and bankruptcy. Instead of saving the country and correcting the chronic illnesses of the Greek political and economic system, the policies that are being implemented are plunging Greece into recession and increasing its debt. All predictions by the EU, the IMF and of the Greek government have been proven blatantly wrong. In 2011, the recession reached -6.8% of GDP (compared to the original prediction of -2.6%!). The tri-monthly threat of Greece’s expulsion from the eurozone is economically catastrophic, as it strengthens the recessionary dynamic, transforming Europe into a central factor of instability and deepening the crisis. The EU itself shapes the conditions so that Greece is not able to fulfil its debt-related obligations.
Those who had hoped that the crisis would be an opportunity for rationalization and institutional renewal have by now realized that the “reforms” help contribute to the dismantling of an already inefficient state and, at the same time, lead to the disintegration of society. The crisis does not affect those who have exploited the state and public interest for decades, but the wage and salary earners (who always paid their taxes) and the most vulnerable social strata. We are confronted with an unprecedented process of upward redistribution of wealth and power that undermines the European social model by exacerbating the most extreme economic and social inequalities. The dominant discourse, both in Greece and in Europe, is moralistic, guilt-ridden and punitive. This strengthens nationalism, racism and xenophobia.
Both Greece and Europe are sinking into a co-dependent crisis which illustrates not only the institutional weaknesses of the EU, but also the dead end of neoliberal recipes. The continuation of failed policies is not in the interest either of Greek society or of the EU and the European taxpayers. It is only in the interest of financial capital and of the speculators, Greek or foreign. Without growth, the repayment of the public debt (or, at least, of its largest part) is simply impossible. The combination of new loan packages and violent austerity is the same as throwing money into a bottomless pit. It will lead to a disorderly default which will affect the low and middle classes in Greece (the rich have already sent their money abroad) as well as the European taxpayers (who will be expected to pay the bill of resulting destabilization of the European bank system). The rescue operation has proven to be a farce. It is becoming a crime.
Greece and Europe are caught up in a vicious economic circle. Policy change is necessary in order to exit it. No matter how difficult, we must work towards a social and democratic Europe, a Europe that will reconfirm its best historic and political values, and give a new orientation to globalization. The solution today cannot be at the national level, but must correspond to the scale of our continent. The Greeks are humiliated today, and perhaps tomorrow this will be the case for other peoples; already mistrust and hatred threaten the process of the creation of a common European identity. This is a catastrophic moment in European history.
The Greek crisis has significant Greek causes. Yet, it is part of a broader crisis that is changing the foundations of the historic epoch we live in. In this period of historical juncture the ideas of social justice, of democracy and of human rights are at stake. The undersigned Greek citizens invite you to join us in the creation of a strong common front for the defense of society and of democracy. Solidarity with Greece is a political challenge for the whole of Europe.
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Llamamiento en defensa de la sociedad y la democracia en Grecia
El presente texto es producto de la iniciativa de un grupo de ciudadanos de varios ámbitos, quienes se pusieron de acuerdo sobre la necesidad de hacer escuchar de forma coherente y masiva, una voz fundamentada y crítica tanto dentro de Grecia como afuera de ella. Coincidimos en que es absolutamente necesaria una intervención que demuestre con fuerza a la opinión pública griega y europea tres cuestiones mayores, en una coyuntura en que el dilema dominante “austeridad o quiebra” ha sido reemplazado por la suma totalmente negativa “austeridad y quiebra a la vez”:
1.El colapso del estado social y la intensificación de las desigualdades sociales
2.La erosión de las instituciones democráticas y de los derechos del ciudadano
3.La corrosión de la visión europea y la desintegración de la unidad europea
Esta iniciativa no tiene como objetivo solo la redacción de un texto más y la recolección de firmas, a pesar de que así empezó. Pretende crear amplias cohesiones y difundir a todas partes el mensaje de que “el problema griego” es simplemente una advertencia sobre el peligro que corren básicos valores sociales y políticos europeos. Y por eso nos concierne a todos y a todas.
El objetivo es que todos los y todas las que firmen este texto se involucren, si así lo desean, en acciones sociales, en una potencial acción conjunta con agentes y ámbitos que conocen de primera mano, mejor que todos, qué es lo que realmente está pasando hoy en Grecia y que se interesan en trabajar para una Europa social y democrática. En la crisis nadie está solo. La respuesta a la exclusión es la participación. La respuesta al derrotismo y al pesimismo es la acción.
La sociedad griega está puesta a prueba tanto por la crisis como por las recetas sin salida que se le presentan como solución. Instituciones construídas a través de muchas luchas y sacrificios, en la Grecia de la posguerra, caen: los contratos colectivos, los seguros sociales, el sistema de salud pública, la educación, los medios de transporte, el medio ambiente natural y urbano, la posibilidad de una vida segura. El estado social colapsa y los servicios públicos se desintegran por falta de financiamiento y por la reducción del personal. Según Eurostat, casi un tercio de la población está en riesgo de caer bajo la línea de pobreza y los números están incrementándose rápidamente. Bienes públicos elementales dejan de ser provistos. Los hogares quiebran uno tras otro. A la sociedad la conducen a la asfixia.
Se impone como chantaje el dilema: ¿austeridad o quiebra? Sin embargo, no se trata de un dilema sino de una suma negativa: austeridad y quiebra a la vez. Las políticas seguidas, en vez de salvar el país y de corregir las patologías crónicas del sistema político y económico griego, lo hunden en la recesión y en el endeudamiento creciente. Todas las previsiones de la Unión Europea, del FMI y de los gobiernos griegos fueron rotundamente desmentidas. La recesión del 2011 fue de -6,8% del PIB (en lugar de la previsión inicial de un -2,6%). La amenaza, cada tres meses, de la expulsión de Grecia de la eurozona es económicamente desastrosa, porque refuerza la dinámica recesiva convirtiendo a Europa en factor central de la inestabilidad económica y la profundización de la crisis. La misma Europa crea las condiciones para que Grecia no pueda cumplir sus obligaciones con sus acreedores.
Los que esperaban que la crisis iba a ser una oportunidad para el saneamiento y la renovación institucional, se dan cuenta que las “reformas” están desintegrando un estado ya poco eficaz y al mismo tiempo disuelven a la sociedad. La crisis no la viven los que se aprovecharon del estado y del interés público durante décadas sino los asalariados (que siempre pagaron sus impuestos) y los grupos sociales más vulnerables. Estamos ante una operación jamás vista de redistribución de la riqueza y del poder, que socava el modelo social europeo creando desigualdades económicas y sociales extremas. El discurso dominante, tanto en Grecia como en Europa, es moralista, punitivo y culpabilizador. Esto fomenta el nacionalismo, el racismo y la xenofobia.
Grecia y Europa se hunden en una crisis que se retroalimenta y que muestra no solo las debilidades institucionales de la Unión sino también el fracaso de las recetas neoliberales. La continuación de esta política fracasada no conviene ni a la sociedad griega ni a la Unión Europea ni a los contribuyentes europeos. Conviene solo el capital financiero y a los especuladores, griegos y extranjeros. Sin desarrollo, el pago de la deuda (o por lo menos de su mayor parte) es simplemente imposible. La combinación entre paquetes de nuevos préstamos y austeridad violenta es equivalente a tirar dinero en un pozo sin fondo. Además conduce al default incontrolado, el cual van la pagar las clases populares y medias en Grecia (las clases acomodadas ya han sacado su dinero al exterior) y los contribuyentes europeos (que serán llamados a pagar el costo de la desestabilización del sistema bancario europeo). La operación de salvación mostró ser un fiasco. Y tiende a convertirse en un crimen.
Grecia y Europa participan hoy en un círculo económico vicioso, la salida del cual presupone un cambio de política. Por más difícil que sea, debemos trabajar para una Europa social y democrática que confirme sus mejores valores históricos y políticos dando una nueva orientación a la globalización. La solución no puede ser nacional. Hoy se humilla a los griegos, mañana les pasará lo mismo a otros pueblos. Ya la desconfianza y el odio reemplazan el proceso de formación de una identidad europea común. Se trata de un momento catastrófico en la historia europea.
La crisis griega tiene causas nacionales importantes. Es, sin embargo, parte de una crisis más global, que cambia radicalmente la época histórica en que vivimos. En este período de transición es importante que nos demos cuenta que están en juego tanto el concepto de la justicia social como la democracia y los derechos de los ciudadanos.
Como ciudadanos griegos los llamamos a unir su voz a la nuestra contribuyendo así a la formación de un frente poderoso en defensa de la sociedad y la democracia en Grecia. Porque la solidaridad hacia Grecia es hoy un desafío político para todos los que creen que los valores que están en juego en Grecia los conciernen también a ellos.
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Appello in difesa della società e della democrazia in Grecia
Questo testo è il risultato di un iniziativa di un gruppo di cittadini di provenienza varia, convinti della necessità di esprimere collettivamente e in modo strutturato una voce documentata e critica, dentro e fuori della Grecia, per portare all’ attenzione dell’ opinione pubblica greca ed europea, in una congiuntura dove la scelta imposta «austerità o bancarotta» si è trasformata in una somma al negativo: “austerità e bancarotta nello stesso tempo”,tre temi di importanza capitale:
1. il disfacimento dello stato sociale ed il conseguente esacerbamento delle disuguaglianze sociali
2. l’ erosione delle istituzioni democratiche e dei diritti dei cittadini
3. il venir meno dell’ ideale europeo e la dissoluzione dell’ unità europea
Scopo di questa iniziativa non è solo la stesura di un ennesimo testo e una raccolta di firme, anche se questo ne è stato lo spunto iniziale; essa vuole costituire un punto di convergenza di dinamiche a vari livelli e far passare il messaggio che il “problema greco” non è che un avvertimento del pericolo che incombe sui valori fondamentali sociali e politici europei e quindi ci riguarda tutti.
L’ obiettivo è che tutti i firmatari del testo si impegnino, se lo desiderano, ad agire in sinergia potenziale con i vettori e gli spazi sociali che di prima mano conoscono, meglio di chiunque altro, quello che avviene realmente oggi in Grecia e che sono interessati a dare il loro contributo per un Europa sociale e democratica. La crisi non lascia nessuno indenne. La risposta all’ esclusione è la partecipazione; la risposta al disfattismo e al pessimismo è agire.
La società greca è messa à dura prova sia dalla crisi che dai rimedi senza via di uscita che le sono imposti per affrontarla. Assistiamo ad un grave degrado delle istituzioni sociali e politiche create con lotte e sacrifici indicibili nella Grecia del dopoguerra: i contratti collettivi, la previdenza sociale, il sistema di sanità pubblica, l’istruzione, i trasporti pubblici, l’ambiente naturale e urbano e il diritto a una esistenza sicura. Lo stato sociale e i servizi pubblici si stanno sgretolando per la mancanza di sovvenzioni e la riduzione del personale. Un terzo della popolazione, secondo i dati forniti da Eurostat, si trova al di sotto della soglia di povertà. Servizi sociali essenziali non vengono più forniti. Le famiglie si indebitano e sono sull’ orlo del fallimento. La società sta sprofondando.
Si è posti di fronte a un dilemma ricattatorio: austerità o bancarotta ? Ma non si tratta di un dilemma bensi di una somma in negativo: austerità e bancarotta nello stesso tempo. Le politiche messe in pratica, invece di mirare al salvataggio del paese e alla correzione delle patologie croniche che affliggono il sistema economico e politico greco, portano alla recessione e all’ aumento dell’ indebitamento. Tutte le previsioni dell’ UE, del FMI e dei successivi governi greci sono state clamorosamente smentite. La recessione nel 2011 ha toccato il -6.8% del PIL (a fronte della previsione iniziale del -2.6% !). La minaccia proferita ogni tre mesi di espellere la Grecia dall’ eurozona ha delle ripercussioni catastrofiche sul piano economico in quanto rafforza la dinamica di recessione e trasforma l’Europa in un fattore di instabilità economica e di aggravamento della crisi. E’ l’Europa stessa che crea le condizioni che impediscono alla Grecia di rispettare gli impegni riguardo al debito.
Chi sperava che la crisi avrebbe costituito un’ opportunità per risanare e rinnovare le istituzioni, prende atto ormai con rassegnazione che le “riforme” stanno disintegrando uno stato inefficace e la società allo stesso tempo. Il peso della crisi non ricade su quelli che per decenni hanno sfruttato lo stato e l’interesse pubblico, bensi’ sui salariati (che peraltro hanno sempre pagato le tasse) e sulle categorie sociali più sfavorite. Siamo confrontati ad una ridistribuzione della ricchezza e del potere senza precedenti che sovverte il modello sociale europeo esacerbando le inegualianze economiche e sociali. Il discorso dominante – sia in Grecia che in Europa – è moralista, punitivo e colpevolizzante ed ha come conseguenza un rafforzamento del nazionalismo, del razzismo e della xenofobia.
La Grecia e l’Europa stanno affondando in una crisi congiunta che mette in rilievo non solo le debolezze istituzionali dell’Unione, ma anche le strategie neoliberalistiche senza via d’uscita. Il persistere delle politiche fallimentari non è utile nè alla società greca, nè all’ UE e nemmeno ai contribuenti europei; conviene soltanto al capitale finanziario e agli speculatori greci e stranieri. Senza crescita è praticamente impossibile estinguere il debito (o almeno la maggior parte di esso). La combinazione di nuovi indebitamenti successivi e di programmi di austerità imposti con forza equivale a buttare denaro in un pozzo senza fondo e porta inoltre ad una sospensione disordinata dei pagamenti, che ricadrà sulle fascie popolari e medie greche (le classe abbienti hanno già portato i soldi all’ estero) e sui contribuenti europei (che saranno chiamati à pagare le spese della destabilizzazione del sistema bancario europeo). Il salvataggio che si è rivelato un fallimento rischia di trasformarsi in un crimine.
Oggi la Grecia e l’Europa sono avviate in un circolo economico vizioso, per uscire dal quale è necessario cambiare politica. Αnche se si tratta di un compito gravoso, dobbiamo lavorare per una Europa sociale e democratica che riconfermerà i suoi valori storici e politici migliori, riorientando al contempo la globalizzazione. La soluzione non puo essere circoscritta al livello nazionale. Oggi sono i greci ad essere umiliati, domani toccherà ad altri; già la malafede e l’odio si sostituiscono al processo di formazione di una identità comune europea. Ci troviamo in un momento devastante nella storia europea.
All’ origine della crisi greca ci sono importanti cause autoctone. Εssa fa tuttavia parte di una crisi più grande, che modifica sostanzialmente l’ epoca storica in cui viviamo. In questo periodo di transizione è fondamentale prendere coscienza che sono in gioco non solo la nozione di giustizia sociale, ma anche la democrazia e i diritti dei cittadini.
Da cittadini greci facciamo appello a voi affinchè uniate la vostra voce alla nostra e insieme contribuiamo a creare un fronte solido per la difesa della società e della democrazia in Grecia. La solidarietà alla Grecia è oggi una sfida politica per coloro che credono che i valori oggi in gioco in Grecia riguardino noi tutti.
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Yunanistan’da toplumu ve demokrasiyi korumaya çağrı
Elinizdeki bu metin farklı görüşlerden oluşan ancak eleştirel ve verilere dayalı bir yaklaşımın hem yurtdışında hem Yunanistan'da duyulması gerektiği inancında birleşen bir grup vatandaşın öncülüğünde hazırlanmıştır. Bu grubun üzerinde fikir birliğine vardığı aşağıdaki üç noktanın hem Yunanistan’da hem yurtdışındaki kamuoyuna vurgulanarak duyurulması gerektiği inancıyla yola çıktı. Bu müdahele ana ikilemin “kemer sıkma önlemleri veya iflas” olmaktan çıkıp“hem kemer sıkma önlemleri hem iflas” raddesine geldiği bir konjonktürde gerçekleşmektedir. Dikkat çekilmesi gereken üç nokta şöyledir:
1. Sosyal devletin çöküşü ve sosyal eşitsizlikteki artış
2. Demokratik kurumların ve yurttaşlık haklarının gördüğü zarar
3. Avrupa vizyonunun yıkımı ve Avrupa’daki birliğin çözülmesi
Bu girişim– böyle başlamasına rağmen- imza için bir yeni metnin dağıtımından öteye geçmeyi amaçlıyor. İnisiyatifin isteği daha geniş kitlelerle birliktelik sağlayıp, “Yunanistan sorunu”nun aslında Avrupa’nın temel sosyal ve siyasi değerlerinin önündeki tehlikenin eninde sonunda hepimizi ilgilendiren bir sorun olduğuna dikkat çekmektir.
Amacımız, metni imzalayacakların - istedikleri sürece ve derecede – Yunanistan’daki sorunları birinci elden deneyimleyen, bilen ve sosyal duyarlılığı olan demokratik bir Avrupa için çalışmak isteyen bir ekiple sosyal eylemlere ve hareketlere katılmalarıdır. Kriz dönemlerinde kimse aslında yalnız değildir. Dışlanmaya verilecek cevap katılımdır. Mağlubiyet ve olumsuzluk psikolojisine verilecek cevap harekete geçmektir.
Yunan halkı krizle olduğu kadar krizle baş etme adına uygulanan çıkışsız reçetelerle de sınanıyor. Savaş sonrası Yunanistan’ında ciddi mücadeleler ve fedakârlıklar sonucu, toplu sözleşme, sosyal sağlık sigortası, kamu sağlık sistemi, eğitim, ulaşım, doğal çevre ve şehircilik, güvenli yaşam gibi alanlarda elde edilen kazanımlarda gerilemeler yaşanıyor. Sosyal devlet yıkılıyor, bütçe kısıtlamaları ve çalışan sayısında azaltmaya gidilmesi kamusal hizmetlerin aksamasına yol açıyor. Eurostat’ın açıkladığı resmi verilerine göre, nüfusun üçte biri yoksulluk sınırının altında yaşıyor. Temel kamu malları ihtiyaçları karşılayamaz hale geliyor. Aileler gün geçtikçe borç batağına saplanıyor. Toplum darboğaza sürükleniyor.
Tasarruf mu yoksa iflas mı ikilemi tehdit unsuru olarak kullanılıyor. Ama işin aslı ortada bir ikilem yok, söz konusu olan olumsuzluklar toplamı: hem tasarruf hem iflas. İzlenen politika, ülkeyi kurtarmak ve Yunanistan’ın siyasal ve ekonomik sisteminin yıllardır süren hastalıklarını tedavi etmek şöyle dursun aksine ülkeyi krize ve borç batağına itiyor. AB’nin IMF’nin ve Yunanistan hükümetlerinin bütün öngörüleri sansasyonel bir biçimde çürüdü. Durgunluk, 2011 yılında (% -2.6 olan ilk tahminlerin aksine!) GSYİH’nin % -6.8’i olarak yansıdı. Yunanistan’ın Euro bölgesinden atılmasına dönük üç ay boyunca süren tehditler ekonomik olarak yıkıcı oldu, çünkü bu durum Avrupa’yı istikrarsızlık ve krizi derinleştiren ana faktör haline getiriyor ve bu da durgunluk dinamiklerini güçlendiriyor. Yine aynı Avrupa anlaşmaları Yunanistan’ın borç yükümlülüklerini yerine getirmesini engelleyecek bir biçimde düzenliyor.
Krizin sağlamlaşma ve kurumsal yenilenme için bir fırsat yaratacağını umut edenler, “reformların” zaten etkisiz olan bir devleti çürüttüğünü, aynı zamanda toplumu parçaladığını artık idrak eder durumdalar. Krizden etkilenenler on yıllardır devleti ve kamu yararını sömürenler değil daima vergilerini ödeyen maaşlı insanlar ve artık korunmasız olan toplumsal gruplar oldu. Uç noktalarda ekonomik ve sosyal eşitsizlikler yaratarak Avrupa toplum modelini yıkan, zenginlik ve gücün yeniden dağıtıldığı açık bir saldırıyla karşı karşıyayız. Yunanistan ve Avrupa’da hâkim olan söylem ahlakçı, cezalandırıcı ve suçlayıcı. Bu durum milliyetçiliği, ırkçılığı ve yabancı düşmanlığını güçlendiriyor.
Yunanistan ve Avrupa birbirini besleyen bir kriz girdabı içine batıyor ve bu durum Avrupa Birliği’nin kurumsal zayıflıklarını göstermenin yanı sıra neo-liberal reçetelerin çıkmazını da gösteriyor. Başarısız politikaların devamı ne Yunanistan halkının, ne Avrupa Birliği’nin ne de Avrupa’da vergi veren vatandaşların yararınadır. Bu sadece Yunanistan’lı ve yabancı mali sermayenin ve spekülatorlerin menfaatinedir. Kalkınmanın olmadığı bir ortamda borçların geri ödemesinin (veya hiç değilse bir bölümünün geri ödemesinin) yapılması mümkün değildir. Borç ve yardım paketlerinin tamamı ve kemer sıkma politikaları dipsiz kuyuya para akıtmakla eşdeğerdir. Bir yandan halka, orta sınıfa (üst sınıfları halihazırda paralarını yurtdışına çıkarmışlardır) ve Avrupa’da vergi verenlere (ki bunlar Avrupa banka sisteminin dengesizliğinin yol açtığı kayıpları ödemekle yükümlü olacaklar) mal olacak kontrolsüz ödeme durdurmasına doğru gitmekte. Kurtarma operasyonu tam bir fiyaskoyla sonuçlandı. Ve suç olmaya doğru ilerlemekte.
Yunanistan ve Avrupa ekonomik bir kısır döngünün içindeler, ve bu döngünün kırılması farklı bir politikanın geliştirilmesiyle gerçekleşecektir. Ne kadar zor olsa da tarihi ve siyasi değerlerini ortaya koyan, «Avrupalılaşma» nosyonuna anlam veren ve küreselleşmeye farklı bir yön veren sosyal ve demokratik bir Avrupa için çalışmalıyız. Bugün çözümün adresi ulusal düzeyde değildir. Bugün, belki yarın başka halkların da başına gelebileceği gibi Yunanistanlılar küçük düşürülmekte ve hâlihazırda şüphecilik ve nefret ortak Avrupa kimliği oluşturulma sürecinin yerini almaktadır. Avrupa tarihinde felaketle eşdeğer bir noktadayız.
Yunanistan krizinin önemli yerel nedenleri var ancak şu anda yaşadığımız durum, tarihi dönemi temelden sarsacak daha geniş çaplı bir krizin parçası. Bu kritik dönemde sosyal adalet kadar demokrasi ve vatandaş hakları da tehlikeye atılmaktadır. Yunanistan vatandaşları olarak sizleri sesinizi bizimle yükseltmeye ve böylece Yunanistan toplumunu ve demokrasiyi destekleyecek güçlü bir cepheye destek vermeye çağırıyoruz. Çünkü Yunanistan’a gösterilecek dayanışma, Yunanistan’da tehlike altında olan değerlerin kendilerini de ilgilendiren bir sorun olduğunu düşünenler için siyasi bir gereklilik.
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Aufruf zur Verteidigung von Gesellschaft und Demokratie in Griechenland
Dieser Text ging aus der Initiative einer Gruppe von Bürgern unterschiedlicher Herkunft hervor, die ein gemeinsames Ziel verfolgen: Wir halten es für dringend notwendig, uns gemeinsam sowohl innerhalb als auch außerhalb Griechenlands Gehör zu verschaffen, und zwar so nachvollziehbar und kritisch, dass es uns gelingt, andere zu überzeugen.
Im Lichte der derzeitigen Ereignisse, in der das zentrale Dilemma „Sparen oder Bankrott“ immer mehr der nihilistischen Formel „Sparen und Bankrott“ Platz zu machen scheint, zielt unsere Initiative darauf ab, im Rahmen der griechischen und europäischen öffentlichen Meinungsbildung insbesondere auf drei Themen eindringlich hinzuweisen:
- Auf den Zusammenbruch des Wohlfahrtsstaats und die Verschärfung der sozialen Ungleichheit.
- Auf die Untergrabung der demokratischen Institutionen und der Bürgerrechte.
- Auf die Zerstörung der europäischen Vision und der Einheit Europas.
Es geht bei unserer Initiative nicht darum, einen zusätzlichen Kommentar über die „Krise“ abzugeben oder noch eine Unterschriftensammlung für eine weitere Online-Petition ins Netz zu stellen, auch wenn so alles begann. Uns geht es darum, ein weitreichendes Netzwerk zu bilden und so alle darüber zu informieren, dass das so genannte „griechische Problem“ in Wahrheit nur ein Vorbote der Gefahren ist, die dazu führen, dass die sozialen und politischen Grundwerte Europas auf dem Spiel stehen, weswegen das „griechische Problem“ uns alle betrifft.
Wir hoffen, dass Sie sich, wenn Sie diese Petition unterschreiben, auch - sofern Sie das wünschen - an sozialpolitischen Aktionen beteiligen, am besten gemeinsam mit andern Gruppen, die aus erster Hand wissen, was gegenwärtig in Griechenland passiert, und die daran interessiert sind, für ein soziales und demokratisches Europa zusammen zu arbeiten. In Zeiten der Krise ist niemand allein. Auf Defätismus und Pessimismus reagieren wir durch entschlossenes Handeln.
Ein katastrophaler Augenblick für die europäische Geschichte
Die griechische Gesellschaft leidet nicht nur unter der Krise, sondern auch unter den Reaktionen darauf, die in eine Sackgasse münden. Wichtige soziale und politische Institutionen, die nach dem Krieg in Griechenland unter enormen Anstrengungen geschaffen wurden, wie Sozialversicherung, öffentliches Gesundheitswesen, öffentliche Bildung, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, eine natürliche und urbane Umwelt und das Recht einer sicheren Existenz, sind im Begriff zerstört zu werden. Der Wohlfahrtsstaat wird demontiert und öffentliche Dienstleistungen werden wegen mangelnder Finanzmittel und durch Personalabbau immer weniger. Laut den amtlichen Daten von Eurostat ist ein Drittel der griechischen Bevölkerung bedroht zu verarmen, eine Quote, die sprunghaft ansteigt. Güter für die öffentliche Grundversorgung sind nicht mehr erhältlich. Immer mehr Haushalte werden zahlungsunfähig. Der Gesellschaft wird die wirtschaftliche Grundlage entzogen.
Das Volk wird erpresst: Es wird vor die Wahl zwischen einem rigiden Sparkurs und einem Staatsbankrott gestellt. Und wenn man ehrlich ist, hat es nicht einmal die Wahl, sondern es bekommt eher beides: ein Sparpaket gepaart mit dem Staatsbankrott. Anstatt das Land zu retten und die chronischen Probleme des politischen und wirtschaftlichen Systems Griechenlands zu lösen, bringt die derzeit verfolgte Politik Griechenland in eine Rezession und erhöht den Schuldenberg. Alle Vorhersagen von EU, IWF und griechischer Regierung wurden eindeutig widerlegt: 2011 schrumpfte die Wirtschaft um -6,8% (entgegen der ursprünglichen Prognose von - 2,6% (!)). Die alle drei Monate wiederkehrende Drohung, Griechenland aus der Eurozone auszuschließen, ist wirtschaftlich katastrophal, da es die Dynamik der Rezession begünstigt, Europa zu einem zentralen Faktor der Instabilität macht und die Krise verschärft. Die EU selbst schafft die Konditionen, unter denen Griechenland außerstande gesetzt wird, seine Schulden zu begleichen.
Diejenigen, die hofften, die Krise sei eine Möglichkeit der Sanierung und institutionellen Erneuerung, haben inzwischen begriffen, dass diese „Reformen“ den Zerfall des bereits zuvor ineffizienten Staates begünstigen und gleichzeitig zu einem Zerfall der Gesellschaft führen. Die Krise bekommen nicht die zu spüren, die den Staat über Jahre ausbeuteten und gegen das öffentliche Interesse handelten, sondern die Arbeitnehmer (die stets ihre Steuern zahlten) und die verletzlichsten Mitglieder der Gesellschaft. Wir werden mit einer beispiellosen Umverteilung des Wohlstands und der Macht nach oben konfrontiert, was dem europäischen Modell widerspricht, weil sie zu einem extremen sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Ungleichgewicht innerhalb der Bevölkerung führt. Der beherrschende Diskurs ist in Griechenland wie in Europa moralistisch, strafend und beschuldigend. Dies verstärkt Nationalismus, Rassismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit.
Sowohl Griechenland als auch Europa versinkt in einer interdependenten Krise, die uns nicht nur die institutionelle Schwäche der EU vor Augen führt, sondern auch zeigt, dass die neoliberalen Rezepte in eine Sackgasse münden. Die Fortsetzung einer gescheiterten Politik liegt weder im Interesse der griechischen Gesellschaft noch im Interesse der EU und des europäischen Steuerzahlers. Sie liegt lediglich im Interesse des Finanzkapitals und der Profiteure, seien sie nun aus Griechenland oder aus dem Ausland. Ohne Wachstum ist die Rückzahlung der Schuldenlast (oder zumindest eines Großteils davon) schlichtweg unmöglich. Die Kombination von neuen Rettungsschirmen und brutalen Sparpaketen ist in etwa so, als würde man Geld aus dem Fenster werfen. Dies führt zu einer ungeregelten Unterbrechung von Zahlungen, worunter vor allem die unteren und mittleren Schichten Griechenlands zu leiden haben (die betuchten Schichten haben ihr Geld längst ins Ausland geschafft!). Genauso trifft es die europäischen Steuerzahler, die dafür herhalten müssen, die Hauptlast der Destabilisierung des europäischen Bankenwesens zu tragen. Die Rettungsaktion hat sich als Farce erwiesen. Tendenziell wird sie zum Verbrechen.
Griechenland und Europa sind in einem wirtschaftlichen Teufelskreis gefangen, aus dem wir nur durch eine Änderung der Politik herauskommen können. So schwierig es auch sein mag, sind wir alle verpflichtet, auf ein soziales und demokratisches Europa hinzuarbeiten, was die besten ihrer historischen und politischen Werte bestätigen wird, indem wir der Globalisierung eine neue Orientierung geben. Die Lösung kann nicht auf eine Nation begrenzt sein. Heute werden die Griechen gedemütigt, morgen wird dasselbe Schicksal anderen Völkern zustoßen. Schon jetzt sind das Misstrauen und der Hass an die Stelle der Gestaltung einer gemeinsamen europäischen Identität getreten. Das ist ein katastrophaler Moment in der europäischen Geschichte.
Die griechische Krise hat signifikante griechische Ursachen. Gleichzeitig ist sie jedoch Teil einer umfassenderen Krise, die die Grundlagen der jetzigen Epoche ins Wanken bringt. Wir stehen derzeit an einem Scheideweg, die Vorstellung von sozialer Gerechtigkeit, Demokratie und Menschenrechten steht auf dem Spiel.
Als griechische Bürger fordern wir Sie dazu auf, Ihre Stimme mit der unsrigen zu vereinen und zur Bildung einer starken gemeinsamen Front für die Verteidigung der Gesellschaft und Demokratie in Griechenland beizutragen. Denn die Solidarität mit Griechenland ist eine politische Herausforderung für alle diejenigen, die daran glauben, dass die Werte, die in Griechenland auf dem Spiel stehen, sie selbst auch angehen!
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Apelo pela defesa da sociedade e da democracia na Grécia
Esse texto foi redigido por cidadãos com diferentes sensibilidades políticas que concordaram na necessidade de ser ouvida uma voz crítica de maneira fundamentada, organizada e massiça dentro e fora da Grécia. Concordam que é absolutamente necessária uma intervenção para chamar a atenção da opinião pública sobre três questões cruciais que são ocultadas pelo dilema “austeridade ou falência” que, na verdade, se transforma na soma negativa “austeridade e falência”
1. A destruição do Estado social e o aumento das desigualdades sociais
2. Os riscos para as instituições democráticas e os direitos do cidadão
3. O abandono da visão da integração europeia e o desmantelamento da união entre os países
Essa iniciativa começou com a redacção de um texto e a colheita de assinaturas, mas pretende ir além, criando uma ampla frente para difundir a tese de que o “problema grego” é um indicio do risco ao qual estão expostos os valores básicos, sociais e políticos, da Europa. Por isso diz respeito a todos nós.
Desejamos que as pessoas que assinarem o texto estabeleçam, caso o queiram, contactos com iniciativas e grupos que conhecem directamente a realidade da Grécia e desejam trabalhar para a construção de uma Europa democrática e social. Ninguém está só na crise. A resposta à exclusão é a participação. A resposta à resignação e ao pessimismo é a acção.
A sociedade grega é atingida tanto pela crise como pela ineficiência dos remédios sugeridos. Estão sendo ameaçadas instituições construídas com lutas e sacrifícios no pós-guerra: convenções colectivas de trabalho, sistema de saúde pública, ensino público e gratuito, transportes, mecanismos de tutela ambiental, segurança pessoal. O Estado do Bem-estar social está sendo demolido e a administração pública desmantelada pela falta de financiamento e de pessoal. Um terço da população grega, conforme dados oficiais da Eurostat, encontra-se abaixo do limite da pobreza. Bens públicos básicos deixam de ser oferecidos. As famílias não podem pagar suas dívidas. A sociedade é asfixiada.
Formula-se um dilema em forma de chantagem: “Austeridade ou Falência”. Na verdade, não se trata de dilema, mas de soma negativa: Austeridade e Falência. As políticas adoptadas não ajudam o país nem corrigem as disfunções crónicas do sistema político e económico. Afundam a Grécia na recessão e provocam aumento da dívida. Todas as previsões da EU, do FMI e do governo grego foram desmentidas. A recessão em 2011 chegou a 6.8% do PIB (sendo a previsão inicial de 2.6%!). A cada três meses temos nova ameaça de expulsão da Grécia da zona do euro, algo economicamente destrutivo, pois gera mais recessão, tornando a Europa um factor central da instabilidade económica e da crise grega. A Europa faz com que a Grécia não possa honrar suas dívidas.
Quem esperava que a crise permitisse a correcção de erros e a renovação institucional constata que as “reformas” desestruturam um Estado já ineficiente e destroem a sociedade. Não sofrem da crise aqueles que por décadas aproveitaram-se do Estado e do “interesse público”. Sofrem os assalariados (que sempre pagaram os seus impostos) e os grupos sociais mais fragilizados. Estamos diante de uma operação sem precedentes de redistribuição da riqueza e do poder que ameaça o modelo social europeu e gera extremas desigualdades sociais e económicas. O discurso que predomina na Grécia e na Europa é moralista, acusatório e punitivo. Isso favorece o nacionalismo, o racismo e a xenofobia.
A Grécia e a Europa afundam em uma crise que se retroalimenta e demonstra não só as fraquezas institucionais da Europa, como também os impasses do modelo neoliberal. A continuação da fracassada política não interessa nem a sociedade grega, nem a UE e os contribuintes europeus. Só favorece o capital financeiro e os especuladores, gregos e estrangeiros. O pagamento da dívida (ou pelo menos de uma parte) é impossível sem desenvolvimento económico. Por isso, a combinação dos pacotes de novos empréstimos com a brutal austeridade significa jogar recursos em um poço sem fundo. Isso causará a falência desordenada, prejudicando a classe média e baixa na Grécia (os mais ricos já depositaram seus recursos no exterior) e os contribuintes europeus (que deverão arcar com as consequências da destabilização do sistema bancário europeu). A operação de resgate foi um fracasso. E há risco que se transforme em crime.
A economia da Grécia e da Europa entraram em um círculo vicioso, do qual só se sairá com a mudança de política. Por mais que seja difícil devemos trabalhar para a construção de uma Europa social e democrática que confirmará seus melhores valores históricos e políticos, dando um novo rumo à globalização. A solução não pode ser meramente nacional. Hoje os gregos estão sendo humilhados, amanhã ocorrerá o mesmo com outras nações. A desconfiança e o ódio impedem o processo de criação de uma identidade europeia comum. È um momento catastrófico na história da Europa.
A crise grega tem importantes causas nacionais. Mas faz também parte de uma crise mais ampla que modifica profundamente as características do período histórico. Nesse momento de transição devemos entender que estão em jogo o conceito de justiça social, a democracia e os direitos dos cidadãos.
Como cidadãos gregos pedimos que unam suas vozes às nossas, contribuindo ao surgimento de uma ampla frente de defesa da sociedade e da democracia grega. Porque a solidariedade com a Grécia é um desafio político para quem acredita que os valores ameaçados na Grécia dizem também respeito a ele mesmo.
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16 commentaires:
The Finnish PM Mr. Jurki Katainen is persona non grata for the position of the President of Eurogroup.- The Presidency of Eurogroup MUST be given to SOUTH!!! Enough is enough with the dominanve of NORTH!!! People of Europe rise up!!!!
Bonjour copins et copines!
PIGS thank the students in the University in Florence, Italy who wore pigs masks and disapproved Mr. Schauble's talk!
Merci beaucoup!!!
Eυχαριστούμε πολύ!!!
Τhank you very much!!!
Grazie mille!!!
Muito obrigado!!!
Muchas gracias!!!
Salut amis!
Now, the German government pushes ECB to stop the LTROs cheap loans to the national central banks of the eurosystem. This is really unacceptable because Germany has adopted politics that secure its own national interests and sabotages each and every integration trial. This last week German decided to stop the tax evasion agreement tht is was negotiating with Switzerland and as EurActiv network states one of the reasons that this happened is that Schauble did not want to displease some people there.....
These politics not only help Europe but also hinders the real meaning of solidarity and EU. Not today's EU.
We hope for a REAL Europe.
Merci beaucoup!
Chers amis,
Unfortunately, the austerity policy does not seem to reach an end. It even continues stronger than ever. Currently, austerity measures are not taken because Greece holds national elections around the End of April or the beginning of May. A major question arises here. Is it possible for Greece to hold its national elections when the French Presidential elections are on 22 April 2012 and 06 May 2012? I do not know.
The point here is that once Greece's national elections are held and a new government is formed, in June's review of Greece's fiscal reform program new austerity measures are going to be passed. Particularly, Troika with the Greek Government are going to pass a 11,5 billion euros or 5,5% of the GDP programme on spending cuts including healthcare and social welfare subsidies. Moreover, we have to point out that due to the fact that the private sector's wage was reduced by 22% all social welfare subsidies were cut by 22%, for example, the unemployment, the maternity, the pregnancy, the children, the marriage subsidy. This is unacceptable since young people do not have money to get married and make a family.
Unfortunately, today Belgium's government passed austerity measures of 1,8 billion euros. We express our solidarity to the Belgian people and we wish them to keep strong.
Finally, I have to repeat once again that the majority of the German central bankers do not want the euro and still keep a stance against the EU-integration. It is very sad that the German mentalities of the WW2 are still alive!
Peoples of Europe rise up!!!!!
Merci beaucoup!
Bonne nuit!!!!
Unfortunately, in Greece's June review by Troika, the Troika is going to ask the Greek government to abolish the 13th and t14th salary in the private sector. The media and governmental parrots like some federations of hellenic enterprises prepare Greek people from now by telling that they are going to cut the 13th and 14th salary in the private sector.
Well, we reply them that if they touch the 13th and 14th salary Hell Will Break Loose. Do not even think to touch the 13th and 14th salary in Greece's private sector.
Bonsoir copins et copines!
An EU diplomat stated today that it was not proposed to Italy's PM Mr. Mario Monti to be the next President of Eurogroup. We are very very very disappointed with this as Mr. Monti is the truce-maker person in the EU and he is a position to lend an ear to the South, North, East, West, and Europe's demands. At this pont, we are obliged to to reiterate our constant demand that the next Mr. Eurogroup must not come from the "Northern fanatics" (Holland, Finland, Germany). The next Mr. Eurogroup must come from the South or to put it differently from a country whose bonds do not hold an "AAA" rating.
Merci beaucoup et bonne nuit!!!!!!! :)))
Σας ευχαριστούμε θερμά και καλό σας βράδυ!!! :)
Bonsoir copines et copins!
Greek people express their solidarity towards the Portuguese people who suffers from the austerity measures too.
We have to repeat of course once again that Mr. SCAHUBLE, Germany's Minister of Finance is a persona NON-GRATA for the position of the President of the Eurogroup. Mr. Schauble can have dreams that he is going to be offered the Mr. Eurogroup position since dreams do not cost they are for free.So, Mr. Schauble can have a midnight's summer dream. If Mr. Schauble is going to be chosen then a balance among northern and southern euro-countries, among triple-A rated ones and bailed-out ones is not kept. Mr. Schauble's presidency is going to be a Monarchy.
Bailed-out and not southern countries support either Mr. Juncker's presidency or Mr. Monti who is favoured by Mr. Juncker. Needless to say that the Finnish PM Mr. Jurki Katainen is not accepted by the Southern and bailed-out countries.
Merci beaucoup!!!
Eυχαριστούμε πολύ!!!
Τhank you very much!!!
Grazie mille!!!
Muito obrigado!!!
Muchas gracias!!!
Bonjour copines et copins!
We would like to point the fact that with the austerity measures in full implementation the unmeployment rates are very high 21%. In Spain 25%. What about Portugal, Italy, Ireland, France?
We need a swift a fresh breath in European decision making. We need a change. We call for a change, the change of our era.
Peoples of Europe rise up! Rise up and make the change, the world cannot wait... We have to be fast and active!
Merci beaucoup!!!
Eυχαριστούμε πολύ!!!
Τhank you very much!!!
Grazie mille!!!
Muito obrigado!!!
Muchas gracias!!!
Bonsoir amis!
News from Hellas are very very disappointing. The Troika hides behind the argument of competition in order to change the geopolitical position of the country. Hellas is the 10th star of the EU's flag. Hellas became a member of he EU with the Mediterranean enlargement. However, now that the countries of West Balkans will join EU in 2014, EU wants to change the status of Hellas. EU wants Hellas to lose the privileges she has since 1980s and to have the status quo of west balkan countries. That is why the troika wants the salaries in the private and public sector to be very low, around 180 euros per month.
The Hellenic Republic is a Mediterranean country, the 10th star of the EU's flag. Hellenic people will not accept by no means to lose Hellas' Mediterranean position.
Merci beaucoup!!!
Eυχαριστούμε πολύ!!!
Τhank you very much!!!
Grazie mille!!!
Muito obrigado!!!
Muchas gracias!!!
As reported by :
"Financial Times Deutschland reported on Friday that German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants her finance minister, Wolfgang Schauble, to head the Eurogroup. Luxembourg's Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker ends his term as leader of the euro zone finance ministers in June."
Are European peoples going to accept Schauble in the position of Mr. Eurogroup? Are European Peoples going to accept German Occupation once again? Peoples of the Europe rise up!
Chers amis,
We are really afraid that in a five-year period time there is going to be a three-speed Europe. Speed 1 will include the countries that will be in Euro 1 (center). Speed 2 will include countries that will be in Euro 2 (Mediterranean periphery). Speed 3 will include countries that will be in Euro 3 (Balkan and Baltic periphery). They want to put Hellas in Euro 3. Euro 3 countries will be the slaves of the EU with China's living and working conditions.
Merci beaucoup!!!
Eυχαριστούμε πολύ!!!
Τhank you very much!!!
Grazie mille!!!
Muito obrigado!!!
Muchas gracias!!!
We are very concerned about what Troika wants to do in Hellas. They want to change Hellas' position from a Mediterannean country to a Balkan country. They want to erase history. They want to erase the Hellenic and European history, the history of the EU. Hellas became a member of the EU in 1981, thus Hellas is the 10th member and star in the EU's flag. Now, they want to make Hellas a Balkan country without the legal rights Hellas had all this years. Hellenic people will never accept this.
Salut amis et amies!
The situation for Hellas is extremely bad. Troika and other economic factors seem to want to alter the geopolitical position of Hellas in the world. They want her to make her a country of west balkans. However, Hellas joined the EU in 1981 as the 10th member state and the 10th star of EU's flag and this acquis communautaire is Hellenic and European History.
Chers amies et amis:
Troika wants to pass austerity measures of 14 billion in Hellas. Troika wants to cut down the minimum wage in the private sector in the levels of countries that are outside the Eurozone and the compare the minimum wage in Hellas to the minimum wage in Turkey, Croatia, Romania, and Bulgaria. THIS IS REDICULOUS, HELLAS IS A COMPETITIVE EUROZONE COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merci beaucoup!!!
Eυχαριστούμε πολύ!!!
Τhank you very much!!!
Grazie mille!!!
Muito obrigado!!!
Muchas gracias!!!
We repeat once again that we are completely against Schauble's presidency in Eurogroup. Also, we are cimpletely against Germany's proposal that Mr. Eurogroup should come from the ranks of Ministers of Finance. We are against Germany's proposal because Germany imposes and dominates Europe by doing whatever it wants. Germany wants next Mr. Eurogroup to be from the ranks of Finance of Ministers because she does not want other Eurozone leaders to tell her what to do. Germany plays a very dirty political game. Shame on Germany.
Merci beaucoup!!!
Eυχαριστούμε πολύ!!!
Τhank you very much!!!
Grazie mille!!!
Muito obrigado!!!
Muchas gracias!!!
Chers amis,
Germany continues to play a dirty game in EU. Germany acts like a dictator and a monarch in EU. Germany secretly lobbies as its foreign minister Guido Westerwelle invited to only a select few to a dinner on Tuesday (20 March 2012) to discuss the 'future of Europe' after the economic crisis. German politics are a threat to EU.
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